Liberal Seder led by Reform Rabbi Arturo Kalfus
6:00 p.m.: Optional Cocktail Party (cash bar)
6:45 p.m.: Seder Begins
Celebrate freedom from oppression and narrowness, based in the story of the exodus from Egypt. Sing and participate in the reading of the Haggadah with old friends and new,
Enjoy a traditional seder dinner at La Frontera; matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, a full-course brisket, salmon or vegetarian dinner with all the Passover “trimmings,” such as hard-boiled eggs, salt-water, charoset, horseradish, matzah and kosher grape juice and Manischewitz.
Reserve and pay right away to ensure a seat at the table by clicking this link: LiberalSeder2024 and using the PayPal link to pay for yourself and/or everyone in your group.
If you prefer to pay in person, please call the JC3 office, 415 185 9191, Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, to make arrangements. The office will be closed March 28 and 29.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. “Let all who are hungry come eat.” Please consider donating more than the cost of dinner, so members of the community for whom the price is prohibitive will have the opportunity to celebrate the holiday with dignity.
850 MX for adults
425 MX for children between 3 and 12
Free for children under 3 who share food with their parents
Whichever payment method you choose, don't forget to put your name and the event you are paying for.