Kehilla Shalom San Miguel de Allende (KSSMA) is the Conservative minyan kehilah, or congregation, that meets in the Jewish Cultural and Community Center (JC3). Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Masorti AmLat and Masorti México, KSSMA is an unincorporated religious non-profit organization as defined by the US 501-3 (c) regulations. 

KSSMA follows a traditional/egalitarian minhag, or custom, that is common in many Conservative communities in the US. Women are given equal ritual honors and responsibilities if they so desire, and intermarried couples and LGBTQ+ people are warmly welcomed—our doors are open to everyone wishing to join with us. 

About 75% of regular participants in KSSMA’s religious services are Spanish-speakers. Services are predominantly in Hebrew, with our siddurim fully translated and phonetically transliterated into both English and Spanish; explanations and announcements are usually also in given in both English and Spanish. Services are lay led by founding members Dan Lessner and Carole Stone, with the participation of José Daniel Torres, Mario Moya, Helder Ayon and many others. A special shout out to Kayla Fine and Phyllis Myers, among others, for their help with the Torah readings! Anyone interested in taking part in the service or Torah readings, please contact Dan Lessner at kehillashalomsma@gmail.com

See calendar for times and details: Calendar

Online Kabbalat Shabbat,
except for the last Friday of the month, see calendar for time and contact office for Zoom data.

Shabbat morning services, live at the JC3 and via Zoom; potluck luncheon to follow.
Saturdays 9:00 am

Zoom weekday morning services. Call the office for Zoom data, 415 185 9191.
Every Monday and Thursday morning at 7:30

Holiday services for all major holy days at the JC3 and via Zoom. See calendar.

Weekly Torah Discussion Group—about 1:15 pm every Saturday following Shared Shabbat luncheon, we delve deeper into the weekly Torah portion to discuss important lessons from it and how it affects our daily lives. (Presently in Spanish, only; if anyone is interested in leading an English-language group, please contact the office: (415) 185-9191, during regular office hours.) 

Level 2 Hebrew
Mondays at 6:30 pm "

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm 

All classes are currently conducted in Spanish (although the texts for the Hebrew classes are in English). If there are enough English-speaking students interested in starting English-language classes, this can certainly be arranged. Contact the office for more information and passwords: (415) 185-9191, during regular office hours.  

Free for members of CHESMA; voluntary donations gladly accepted for non-members.