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The Talmud is the humongous compilation of over 400 years of often arcane and nit-picking rabbinical discussions concerning Jewish “oral” law, written between approximately 200-600 CE. But the actual legalistic material is often just a jumping off point for amazing and fascinating tangential discussions about demons, our relationship with God, prayer, human interactions, and many other topics that still speak to us in 2024. So much more than an ancient encyclopedia of Judaism that expounds on what to think, the Talmud endeavors to teach us how to think.
It's not too late to participate!
A member of CHESMA has requested a class in English to learn a bit of Talmud. We now have seven folks who have committed themselves to set aside an hour/week on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Dr. Dan Lessner is happy to lead this class at the JC3, beginning May 7. This class (like all KSSMA - Conservative Congregation of San Miguel classes) will be free of charge for all members of CHESMA; non-members are requested to give a voluntary donation of 100 pesos/class. Please contact Dan at if you are interested.