Dear Theater Enthusiasts of San Miguel,
They’re BA-A-A-ACKCK!!! Please consider this your official notice that THE LETTERS PROJECT folks are back at JC3 with their newest staged reading, THE LETTERS PROJECT III: Even Further Adventures in Correspondence. This company’s entertaining performance of sometimes-moving, sometimes-hilarious, sometimes-thought-provoking but always captivating letters will live in your mind for days after you’ve experienced it. Performed by The Letters Project’s intrepid crew, Lee Duberman, Richard Fink, Steve Garfinkel and Gene Harvey, this third reading from the Project features an entirely different collection of letters than its two, wildly popular, previous readings.
There will be two performances of THE LETTERS PROJECT III: Even Further Adventures in Correspondence this month. Both will be Sunday Matinee offerings at JC3 (the Jewish Cultural and Community Center of San Miguel de Allende / 47 Las Moras at Cinco de Mayo). Starting time for each of the performances is at 4:00 p.m. Dates are Sunday, January 12, 2025, and Sunday, January 19, 2025. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. for both performances, with snacks and drinks available for purchase before the show.
The reading consists of a mix of noteworthy letters selected from the two-volume set, “Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience,” collected by Sean Usher. Some are written to or by famous figures from the worlds of literary, artistic, theatrical, political or scientific endeavor, as well as some by folks you’ve never heard of.
There are funny letters and sad letters, with touching advice and amazing perspectives. Some just allow you to be a “fly-on-the wall” as figures from history speak from the heart to a friend or lover. The totality of the evening makes for a fascinating experience in the theater.
From a letter by a British TV star to her recently deceased dog to a letter by the father of an astronaut on the day before his first launch into space, from a note by recently burgled Mark Twain to any future thieves considering ransacking his home to a ransom note from a famous Muppet, each letter will have you wondering “What could possibly be coming NEXT???” Hint: You’ll never guess, and you won’t believe it when you hear it!
The letters in the Project have been culled and assembled by veteran SMA theater stars Lee Duberman and Richard Fink, in conjunction with JC3’s Steve Garfinkel. Joining the Duberman/Finks onstage for the readings are actors Gene Harvey and S. Garfinkel
Matinee staged readings of Letters of Note III: Even Further Adventures in Correspondence will be performed at JC3 (47 Calle Las Moras at Cinco de Mayo) on two Sundays at 4:00 p.m., January 12 and 19, 2025. Doors open at 3:30, with wine, other drinks and snacks available for purchase. Come schmoose before the show!
Admission is $200 pesos for non-members of JC3 / $150 for members. For ticket purchases or information, call (+52) 415-185-9191, visit or email
Non-member $210MXN, $200MXN when paying cash
Member $160MXN, $150MXN when paying cash
When paying by CLIP, please note that donations are in pesos . Be sure to add your name, the event, the date of the event and number of tickets on the description field to ensure proper booking. Please bring either a printed or digital receipt on your phone with you to the event.