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Presentation of The Untold Story of a Holocaust Hero with Elizabeth Vrato

  • JC3/Chesma 47 Calle De Las Moras San Miguel de Allende, Gto., 37700 Mexico (map)

Elizabeth Vrato presents The Untold Story of a Holocaust Hero who saved 600+ Jewish refugees from Nazi Deportation

Now, more than 70 years later, this story can finally be shared. It took until 2020, for Elizabeth Vrato to learn that her own grandfather, Kadri Cakrani, was a person who significantly changed the world with acts of bravery that place him among the most courageous and humanitarian figures in modern history.

Cakrani took the details of his efforts to his grave because of Iron Curtain politics. His story was first shared in the US in 2020 and is now traveling the globe.

Presentation only: 1:00pm – 2:00pm, followed by a Q&A.
$200 pesos and $150 pesos for JC3 members.

Elizabeth Vrato is the grand-daughter of Commandant Kadri bey Cakrani who risked his live sheltering hundreds of Jewish people, in Berat, Albania while serving as the top military leader during WWII (when the country was both Fascist­ and Nazi occupied). Berat was the hub for Albania's protection of Jewish refugees, with a count of over 600 people saved from Nazi deportation.

Reservation deadline: 1/28 for presentation. Please consider joining us for both the Brunch and Presentation via this link.

We look forward to seeing you there.

This program is thanks to Nancy Plax and Steven Schwartzman.

January 29

Join us for a Lox and Bagel Brunch and Elizabeth Vrato's presentation on how her grandfather who saved 600+ Jewish refugees

January 30

YOGA Mondays