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Perashat hashavúa, Pintar Torá / Drawing on Torah

  • JC3/Chesma 47 Calle De Las Moras San Miguel de Allende, Gto., 37700 Mexico (map)

Perashat hashavúa, Pintar Torá. En este taller trabajamos la perasha de la semana para ir con nuestro calendario judío y después meditamos con su letra en hebreo relacionada y pintamos o dibujamos al respecto brevemente, compartimos la experiencia y nuestras interpretaciones. La idea es inspirarnos en saber racional y sensorial para mantenernos conectados en la semana. La clase es los lunes de 7 a 8 pm por videochat. ¡Los esperamos!

Join Grace Nehmad, Mexico City artist. leads a weekly workshop where we learn about the Torah chapter, or parsha of the week. After the review of the parsha, we meditate on an accompanying related Hebrew letter and then quickly draw or sketch something related. We then share the experience and our interpretations. The ideas is to inspire us to approach the text both rationally and sensorially to maintain a connection to its lessons throughout the coming week. Please send your WhatsApp phone number to to be added to the video chat. Join anytime. We’re waiting for you.

Note: For English speakers with an intermediate or better grasp of Spanish, this is a great way to improve your language skills and socialize with Mexicans.

March 16

Recover from Purim with Pizmon and Sefarad: World Sephardic Music

March 18

Tuesday Discussion Group: Sculptures from the Parthenon in the British Museum