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Play Reading: Love, Loss, and What I Wore

  • JC3/Chesma 47 Calle De Las Moras San Miguel de Allende, Gto., 37700 Mexico (map)

Play Reading: Love, Loss, and What I Wore

Love, Loss and What I Wore opened Off-Broadway in 2009 at the Westside Theatre, and became the second-longest running show in the theater’s history. Written by screenwriting sisters Nora Ephron (When Harry Met Sally, Silkwood) and Delia Ephron (You’ve Got Mail), and based on the book of the same name by Ilene Beckerman, the play is a bravura showcase for five actresses, who rhapsodize on the joys and suffering of women’s lives as reflected by their wardrobe.

The women discourse on matters ranging from love, motherhood, divorce, and even some darker subjects, but the play is suffused with humor. One vignette concerns a woman who faced an identity crisis when having to choose between two possible prom outfits – a conservative powder blue gown or a sexy black minidress. “Here’s the thing,” she says. “I’ve never really known for sure which of those two people I am – the girl who almost doesn’t get asked to the prom at all or the girl who gets to go with the really cute guy. Every time I thought I knew which one I was, I turned out to be the other.”

Another of the show’s characters posits, “Any American woman under 40 who says she’s never dressed as Madonna is either lying or Amish.”

Directed by Lee Duberman, who last year directed the bittersweet Summer Night with Unicorn at the Jewish Cultural and Community Center (JC3), and recently performed in the hot-ticket show The Letters Project, also at JC3, the cast includes Antonia Banewicz, Susanna Blachy, Ansley Braverman, Clara Dunham, and Duberman herself.

Love, Loss, and What I Wore will be presented at the JC3 at Callejón de las Moras 47, near the corner of Cinco de Mayo, on Tuesday, March 11 and Wednesday, March 12. Both performances are at 7pm. All seats are $250 pesos, with a 20 percent discount for members. Tickets are on sale online using the link below, and can be purchased for cash only at the JC3

Doors open at 6:30 for socializing. Wine and refreshments will be available for purchase.

.Donation: $250

JC3/CHESMA members should contact the JC3 at 415 185 9191 or to get a 20% discount code for the performance BEFORE purchasing your ticket


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