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Wednesday Mornings with Bea: Les Fetes Galantes or The Bantering Art of Seduction in 18th Century French Rococo

  • JC3/Chesma 47 Calle De Las Moras San Miguel de Allende, Gto., 37700 Mexico (map)

Wednesday Mornings with Bea: Les Fetes Galantes or The Bantering Art of Seduction in 18th Century French Rococo

Sensuous dreams, voluptuous colors, cheeky amorous games, idealized idyllic pastoral settings, an aristocratic escapism before the tsunami of the Revolution, Les Fêtes Galantes, better translated as Courtship Parties, are the invention of Antoine Watteau,the Mozart of art, the master of subtlety, delight and pleasure, yet always oozing a dimension of sadness and subliminal anxiety.

These amorous parties ooze a lightness of being infused by the French Rococo sensibility. After Watteau, this flirtatious genre continued in the works of Pater, Lancret, Boucher and Fragonard, whose paintings will ravish your senses.


Members 170 pesos 150 pesos cash
Non-Members 270 pesos 250 pesos cash

When paying by CLIP, please note that donations are in pesos . Be sure to add your name, the event, the date of the event and number of tickets on the description field to ensure proper booking. Please bring either a printed or digital receipt on your phone with you to the event.

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